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Update Your Store Details

When you have completed the registration, login to your business account and finish setting up your first Store:

  1. Go to My Stores from the navigation menu.

  2. Find the Store > Click the options icon > Select Edit Details

  3. Complete all the details requested. For the Store banner image upload a rectangular image of size: 1200x720 px, in PNG or JPEG format

  4. Connect your Store with Stripe: Go to Payment Instructions > Click the on the link "Stripe onboarding" > Follow the instructions to complete the onboarding with Stripe.

  5. Click Save.

You can set up multiple stores under the same business account.

  1. To create a new Store: Go to My Stores > Click + Add New Store and repeat steps 3-5.

Visibility: The details you enter are visible to users in the Marketplace, except the contact name, contact email and subscription details. The store contact number will be visible to Marketplace users in case they need to contact the store regarding an order.
Important: Set your store as not published until you are ready to go live > Go in My Stores > Publish Store option > set as No. Your Store must be verified by Stripe in order to access your funds.
Tip: The Pay in Advance option if switched On, will allow your Dine-In customers to pay after their order has been served to their table.
Tip: Enter your address details and click on the location icon to automatically fetch the Longitude and Latitude of your Store.

Example: How the Store Banner Image appears in the Marketplace:

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