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Quick Checklist: Going Live

Before you publish your store on the app make sure that the following sections are complete and accurate:

  • Opening Hours - Add ordering hours for every ordering method you have available at your Store: Delivery, Pick-up, Dine-in.

  • Store Details - Make sure that details such as the store address and contact number are correct. Customers might try to pickup-up or cancel an order using those details.

  • Menu Hours - Each menu should have availability hours during which customers can place an order from that menu.

  • Menu Items - Confirm that VAT, prices, images, descriptions and item options are correct.

  • Availability - When the Store is live make sure all items displayed are available. If not, turn the Active button Off.

  • Connected and Verified to Stripe - Confirm that your Store is connected and has been verified by Stripe in order to receive all your payments from orders.

  • Device for Live Orders - Make sure you have a device connected to the wi-fi to view Live Orders for your Store.

  • Visible Table Numbers - For Dine-In, make sure that your tables have visible numbers on them. Customers will use them when they order.

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