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Add Menu Items

Add the Menu Items in the order they appear on your menu.

  1. Go to My Stores and find your Store > Click Manage Menus > Add Menu Item and complete the details

  2. Save and repeat the the step to add more Menu Items.

  3. Select Edit Item to edit any item details.

The following details must be completed:

  • Item Name

  • Item Photo - square 1:1, 400x400 px up to 1000x1000 px​ ; PNG, JPEG

  • Menu Category - ex. "Starter", "Main", "Drinks", "Sweets"

  • Short Description - shortly describe the item

  • Full Description - add as many details as you like and any allergens

  • VAT Rate for each ordering method

  • Gross Price for each ordering method- price after tax

  • Discount Rate - ex. "10" will apply 10% discount on gross price

  • Is Available - have it ON when unless item is out of stock

  • Item Advice - click any which apply

  • Category - Select a category with options (ex. "Add Ice Cream")

  • No of Free or No of Paid - enter the number of options the user can select for free or for extra charge

Visibility: All details are visible to users in the marketplace.
Important: Make sure all item details, VAT and prices are accurate.

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