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Work at Orpay

We welcome application from all around the world!

Our vision is to become the most accessible marketplace for businesses and users from all around the world.  As we expand into new markets we always look to grow the Orpay team. We are a  diverse team of individuals coming from different backgrounds and we would love to grow our team with members from any level and discipline.


Working at Orpay you will have unlimited opportunities to learn, develop your career and you will see your projects coming to life.  If you are looking for new opportunities and challenges the Orpay team would love to hear from you!



Orpay team members enjoy these perks

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At Orpay we highly value the effort of our team and we offer equity options to members that  would believe in our vision

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Work Remotely

Working with Orpay means you can work from anywhere in the world. 

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Flexible Work Hours

At Orpay we believe in a healthy work-life balance. Team members decide upon their own work schedules

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Pet friendly environment

Bring your pets to our team meetings and gatherings. We always have some treats in our pockets

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Flexible Contract

At Orpay we offer the option to team members to join as contractors or part-time

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Team Activities

Monthly team meals, sports activities and beach trips is something we enjoy doing here at Orpay

Open positions at Orpay

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Business Developer (freelance)

We look for individuals who enjoy making sales and will us help expand the Orpay marketplace in new regions. Your role will be to reach out and find prospective businesses to join the Orpay marketplace in your region such as local restaurants, hotels, cafes and other. You will be responsible to introduce our solution, demo the product and onboard them on the platform. 


Remuneration is based on a fixed contract with a permanent percentage cut on the sale you produce. We accept worldwide applications. This is a partnership opportunity and it is full remote.


  • Previous experience with sales will be considered  plus.

  • Familiar with the concept of a digital marketplace.

  • Good communications skills.

  • English 

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UX/UI designer (freelance)

We would for freelance designer with experience in UX/UI designs for mobile apps and web solutions. You will work on specific projects which involve updates on the mobile app designs and backend portal. If you are an individual with creative ideas and passion for this field send us your CV, we would love to hear from you and see your work.


We pay on an hourly basis based.


  • Previous experience in UX/UI 

  • Portfolio showcase

Job applicatin form

Think you have what it takes?
Send us your resume

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